Social – Safeguarding our People

Keeping our people and operations safe Driven by our leadership, safety is a fundamental value and personal responsibility for all GULFNAV employees, Partners and contractors.

We strive to create and maintain an injury‑free work environment and to apply robust operating and maintenance practices across our vessels and workplaces.

The continued success of our Company is embedded in our commitment to health and safety and our dedication to providing a work environment in which everyone is treated fairly and has the opportunity to maximise their potential.


Health & Safety Objectives

GULFNAV recognises that the majority of its activities have a health and safety implication to be duly considered.

Health and safety aspect and impact of each single process are therefore duly accounted for when planning, developing and implementing procedures.

GULFNAV however recognises the benefit in formalising detailed health and safety objectives and target strategy which is to be measurable by formalised KPIs.

These objectives are intended to:
  • provide for health and safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment
  • prevent injuries and ill health
  • identify hazards capable of adversely affecting the health and safety of personnel
  • establish safeguards against all identified risks
  • measure the process and continuously improve the health and safety management skills of personnel ashore and onboard, including preparing for emergency related both to safety and environmental protection.

GULFNAV recognises well that compliance with mandatory rules and regulations and applicable code, guidelines and standard recommended by Organisation, Administrations, classification societies and other maritime industry organisations represent a step toward the compliance of above objectives and therefore all legal and other requirements are always screened against health and safety management manual, procedures and records.

This involves consultation with Employees over their involvement in workspace health and safety hazard identification, risk assessment, incident investigation, review OH&S policies and objectives and representation on Health and Safety matters.

This shall include consultation with contractors and other interested parties where there are changes that affect their OH&S status.

Certain process which can be better measured by the use of simplified key performance indicators are evaluated in detail, health and safety objective set up together with relevant targets, timely updated, person responsible identified and time frame established together with the evaluation of stakeholder point of view, technological solution available and business requirements.

Following KPIs inherited from applicable rules or industry standards are used by the Company as to measure its policy effectiveness and set target for continuous improvement:

  • LTIF (lost time injury frequency)
  • LTI (lost time injury)
  • TRCF (total recordable case frequency)
  • TRC (total recordable case)
  • FAC (first aid case)
  • UDAF (unannounced drug and alcohol test frequency)
  • UDAPF (unannounced drug and alcohol test positive result frequency)
  • Near Misses
  • Incident
  • SOMGF (signing off on medical grounds frequency)

Health and Safety KPI’s are reviewed quarterly and the defined targets set at the beginning of the year are controlled for achievement. During the annual management review process the targets set for the year under review are compared with actual achievement, with the figures achieved used to drive continuous improvement in future. As part of the same process the objectives set for the year are controlled, any shortages highlighted, and objectives are set for the next year with the aim to continuously improve health and safety performance of the Company.

Occupational Health & Safety Performance for 2023

0 Fatalities
0 high‑consequence of work‑related injury
0 Oil Spills
2 recordable work‑related injury

(Above figures are based on OCIMF Injury Reporting Guidelines).

Internal processes supporting safety on board

ship at sea